best copier paper

How Much is a Top of the Line Office Copier?

In any office, the copier is the workhorse that keeps operations running smoothly. It’s an indispensable tool, but determining the cost of a top-of-the-line office copier can be complex. Costs can vary significantly depending on a variety of factors, including the copier’s speed, capacity, connectivity, and advanced features. Let’s delve deeper into the cost factors and some of the most important features of a high-end office copier.


Cost Factors for Office Copiers

Top-of-the-line office copiers range from about $2,000 for entry-level models to upwards of $50,000 for high-end, multi-functional machines. Some of the most crucial cost factors include:

  • Print Speed: A copier’s speed, often measured in pages per minute (PPM), can significantly affect its price. High-end office copiers typically offer speeds of 60 PPM or more.
  • Print Volume: The more paper a copier can handle, the higher its price. High-capacity copiers often have large, adjustable paper trays and can hold thousands of sheets of paper.
  • Functionality: Multi-function printers (MFPs) that offer scanning, copying, printing, and faxing in one device tend to cost more than machines that only copy.

Important Features of a Top of the Line Office Copier

The features of an office copier can significantly affect its price. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most important features:

  • Connectivity: Most high-end office copiers offer wireless connectivity and the ability to print directly from mobile devices or cloud storage platforms. This can increase the price but offers convenience and flexibility for businesses.
  • Security: Advanced copiers often include security features like user authentication, secure print release, and data encryption to protect sensitive information.
  • Sustainability: Eco-friendly features, like duplex printing and energy-saving modes, are often found in top-of-the-line copiers. While these may increase the upfront cost, they can save money (and the environment) in the long run.
  • Image Quality: Higher-end copiers tend to produce higher-quality images with more accurate colors and sharper resolution. This is particularly important for businesses that frequently print graphics or marketing materials.
  • Ease of Use: Touchscreen displays, user-friendly interfaces, and customizable settings can make a copier easier to use, reducing downtime and improving productivity.

office copier

The Value of a Service Contract

When considering the cost of a copier, don’t forget about maintenance and service. A service contract can save money over time, covering parts, labor, and supplies like toner. While this will add to the upfront cost, it can prevent unexpected expenses and ensure your copier stays in top condition.


Determining how much a top-of-the-line office copier costs depends largely on your specific needs. If you need a high-speed, high-capacity, multi-function machine with advanced features, you should be prepared to make a significant investment. However, this investment can pay off in the long run by increasing productivity, improving document security, and even reducing your environmental impact. As always, make sure to do your research and find the copier that fits your business’s unique needs and budget.

The Cost of Buying New vs. Used Office Copiers: Pros, Cons and Considerations

When buying an office copier, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether to invest in a new machine or opt for a used one. Both options come with their own set of advantages and drawbacks, and the best choice largely depends on your business’s specific needs, budget, and risk tolerance. Let’s explore the pros and cons of buying new and used commercial copiers.

The Allure of New Copiers

Purchasing a new copier comes with a higher upfront cost, but it also has its distinct advantages:

  • Latest Technology: New copiers are equipped with the latest technology, offering superior functionality, connectivity, and energy efficiency.
  • Warranty Coverage: Most new copiers come with a manufacturer’s warranty, providing peace of mind and protection from potential defects or malfunctions.
  • Higher Performance: New machines generally offer better performance, with faster speeds, higher print quality, and more advanced features.

However, the main downside of a new copier is its higher initial cost, which might be prohibitive for some small businesses or startups.

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The Appeal of Used Copiers

Used copiers can be an attractive option for businesses on a tight budget. They can cost significantly less than their new counterparts while still offering good performance:

  • Lower Upfront Cost: The most apparent advantage of a used copier is the reduced upfront cost. Depending on the model and its condition, a used copier can cost 50-70% less than a new one.
  • Depreciation: Just like cars, copiers depreciate over time. Buying a used copier means you avoid the initial hit of depreciation that occurs as soon as a new copier is used.

Despite the lower cost, used copiers have their downsides:

  • Shorter Lifespan: Used copiers generally have a shorter lifespan, which could lead to higher costs in the long run due to more frequent replacements or repairs.
  • Limited Warranty: Used copiers often have limited warranties, and some might not have any warranty at all.
  • Outdated Technology: Used machines may lack the latest features and technology, potentially limiting their functionality and efficiency.

Making the Choice: New or Used?

The choice between a new and used commercial copier largely depends on your business’s needs and budget. If you want the latest features and technology, need high performance, and don’t mind paying more upfront, a new copier could be the best choice.

On the other hand, if budget is a major concern, a used copier might be a good fit. Just be sure to factor in potential repair costs and the possible need for a replacement sooner than you would with a new machine.

Whether you choose a new or used copier, the most important factor is finding a machine that fits your business’s unique needs. Consider your budget, required features, desired performance, and risk tolerance. With careful consideration and research, you can find a copier that’s the perfect fit for your business.

Copier Leases: An Alternative to Purchasing

If the high upfront cost of a new copier or the potential reliability issues of a used one are causing you concern, you might want to consider another option: leasing a copier. Leasing can provide a flexible, budget-friendly solution that allows you to use a high-quality, modern copier without the hefty upfront cost.


How Does Copier Leasing Work?

Leasing a copier is much like leasing a car. You sign a contract to use the copier for a specified period—usually between one and five years. During that time, you make regular monthly payments. At the end of the lease, you can either return the copier, purchase it for its residual value, or upgrade to a new model and start a new lease.

The Advantages of Leasing

Leasing a copier offers several benefits:

  • Lower Upfront Cost: Unlike purchasing a copier, leasing doesn’t require a significant upfront investment. This can free up capital for other areas of your business.
  • Regular Upgrades: Leasing allows you to upgrade to a newer model at the end of each lease term, ensuring you always have a modern machine with the latest features.
  • Predictable Budgeting: Lease payments are fixed and spread out over the lease term, making it easier to budget for your copier expenses.
  • Maintenance and Support: Lease contracts often include maintenance and support, ensuring your copier remains in good working order throughout the lease term.

Potential Drawbacks

While leasing has its advantages, it’s not without potential drawbacks:

  • Long-Term Cost: While the monthly payments are lower, the total cost of leasing a copier over several years can end up being higher than purchasing one outright.
  • Contractual Obligations: Leasing contracts can be complex and hard to break. If your needs change, you might be stuck with a copier that no longer suits your business until the lease term ends.
  • Ownership: Unlike purchasing, leasing doesn’t provide ownership. At the end of the lease, you must return the copier unless you choose to buy it.

Leasing a copier can be an attractive alternative to purchasing, particularly for businesses that want to use high-end machines without the high upfront cost. It also offers flexibility, and predictable budgeting, and often includes maintenance and support. However, like any financial decision, it’s important to carefully consider the terms of the lease and the potential long-term costs. Whether you choose to buy or lease, the key is to select the option that best aligns with your business’s needs, budget, and future growth plans.

office copier

Comparing Top Copier Brands: Making the Right Choice in 2023

With a variety of brands and models available in the market, choosing the right office copier can be a complex task. To help guide your decision, let’s compare some of the top copier brands in 2023, focusing on their key strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling propositions.


Canon is a household name in the world of imaging and printing solutions. Known for high-quality output, Canon copiers offer an impressive balance of performance, reliability, and affordability.

Strengths: High print quality, durable construction, user-friendly interface, and excellent customer support.

Weaknesses: Some models may lack the advanced features of more specialized brands.


Ricoh is a global brand known for its innovative office solutions. Ricoh copiers are recognized for their smart features, including energy-saving modes and advanced security settings.

Strengths: Advanced features, energy efficiency, robust security options.

Weaknesses: Higher upfront costs compared to other brands.



A pioneer in the field, Xerox offers a wide range of copiers from compact models for small offices to high-capacity machines for large enterprises.

Strengths: Wide range of models, innovative features, high durability, and brand reliability.

Weaknesses: Some users may find their interface less intuitive than competitors.

commercial copier

Konica Minolta

Konica Minolta copiers are known for their high-speed output and cutting-edge technology, making them an excellent choice for businesses that demand efficiency and high performance.

Strengths: Fast print speeds, advanced technology, and high capacity.

Weaknesses: May be cost-prohibitive for small businesses.


Brother copiers are popular for their affordability and performance, making them a great choice for small to midsize businesses.

Strengths: Cost-effective, reliable performance, and compact designs suitable for smaller offices.

Weaknesses: May lack the high-capacity and advanced features of some other brands.

Choosing the right copier brand depends on understanding your business’s specific needs and matching those to the strengths of each brand. Whether it’s the reliability of Canon, the innovative features of Ricoh, the diversity of Xerox, the high-speed output of Konica Minolta, or the cost-effectiveness of Brother, each of these top copier brands brings something unique to the table. By weighing their strengths against your requirements, you can ensure you select the copier that offers the best value for your business.


Understanding Copier Maintenance: Keeping Your Machine in Top Shape

Office copiers, much like any complex piece of machinery, require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and a long lifespan. A well-maintained copier can provide consistent high-quality output, fewer breakdowns, and less downtime, all of which contribute to improved office productivity. Let’s delve into the importance of regular copier maintenance, what it entails, and the role of service contracts.

business copier

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your office copier can have a significant impact on its performance and durability. Routine maintenance can prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems that can lead to costly repairs or even premature replacement of the copier. A well-maintained copier also delivers consistent print quality, ensuring your business presents a professional image in all printed materials.

What Does Copier Maintenance Involve?

Copier maintenance typically involves several key tasks:

  • Cleaning: Over time, dust and debris can accumulate inside the copier, leading to paper jams, streaks on prints, and other issues. Regular cleaning can help prevent these problems.
  • Inspection: A thorough inspection can identify any potential issues early on, allowing them to be addressed before they result in a breakdown.
  • Replacement of Consumables: Consumables like toner or ink, drums, and fuser units need to be replaced regularly to ensure optimal print quality.
  • Software Updates: Just like your computer, your copier needs regular software updates to keep it running smoothly and securely.

The Role of Service Contracts

Service contracts play a crucial role in copier maintenance. They not only cover regular maintenance tasks but also often include repair services, either on-site or at a service center. A service contract offers several benefits:

  • Predictable Costs: Regular maintenance costs are built into the contract, allowing for predictable budgeting.
  • Expert Service: Service contracts ensure that your copier is maintained by trained professionals who know the machine inside and out.
  • Quick Response Times: Most service contracts guarantee quick response times, minimizing downtime when issues arise.

Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your office copier running at its best. A properly maintained copier can offer many years of reliable service, making it a worthwhile investment. Consider investing in a service contract to ensure your copier receives regular, professional maintenance, helping to prevent problems, maximize productivity, and extend the life of your machine.

Evaluating Copier Speeds and Capacities: Finding the Right Fit for Your Business

The speed and capacity of an office copier are two critical factors that can significantly influence its performance, cost, and suitability for your business. Understanding these parameters is key to making an informed purchasing decision. Let’s delve into what businesses should consider when evaluating copier speeds and capacities.

Copier in Office

Understanding Copier Speeds

Copier speed, typically measured in pages per minute (PPM), is a crucial factor in determining a copier’s efficiency. High-speed copiers can handle a larger volume of work in less time, making them ideal for large offices or businesses with high printing needs. However, faster copiers tend to be more expensive, both in terms of initial cost and ongoing operating expenses.

When evaluating copier speeds, consider the following:

  • Your Printing Volume: If your business regularly needs to print large volumes of documents quickly, a high-speed copier may be necessary. However, for smaller businesses with less intensive printing needs, a lower-speed copier may suffice.
  • Cost vs. Efficiency: While high-speed copiers are more efficient, they also cost more. Consider whether the increase in efficiency is worth the higher price for your business.

Assessing Copier Capacities

Capacity refers to the number of pages a copier can handle at a time. It can influence how often the machine needs to be refilled with paper, affecting the overall productivity of your office. Higher-capacity copiers are typically larger and more expensive, but they can handle more substantial workloads and require less frequent refilling.

When assessing copier capacities, consider the following:

  • Your Paper Usage: If your office frequently prints large documents or has high daily printing needs, a copier with a high paper capacity can reduce the frequency of paper refills.
  • Space and Budget Constraints: High-capacity copiers are often larger and more expensive than lower-capacity models. Ensure that you have enough space in your office for a larger copier and that it fits within your budget.

Evaluating the speed and capacity of a copier is a critical step in the purchasing process. These factors can greatly influence the copier’s performance, cost, and suitability for your business. By carefully considering your business’s printing needs and balancing them against your budget, you can choose a copier with the right speed and capacity for your office. Always remember that the most expensive or fastest copier may not necessarily be the best fit for your business. The key is to find a balance between cost, efficiency, and your specific business needs.


The Role of Copiers in a Paperless Office

The move towards paperless offices has been a significant trend in recent years, driven by the dual desire to reduce environmental impact and improve operational efficiency. But what does this mean for the traditional office copier? Far from making them obsolete, this trend has seen copiers evolve to incorporate new features that support the transition to digital workflows. Let’s explore how modern copiers fit into a paperless office scenario.

copier in the office

Copiers as Scanning Powerhouses

The role of the copier has been significantly expanded in the modern office environment. Beyond simply replicating physical documents, today’s copiers are often equipped with powerful scanning capabilities. They can quickly convert paper documents into digital formats, a crucial feature for businesses transitioning to paperless operations.

With high-resolution scanning, modern copiers ensure that the digitized documents maintain the quality of the originals. Coupled with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, these machines can transform printed text into editable and searchable digital files, streamlining document management and information retrieval.

Digital Document Management

Modern copiers often integrate with digital document management systems, providing a seamless transition from paper to digital workflows. These systems allow businesses to store, organize, and track digital documents, improving access to information and reducing the risk of losing important documents.

Copiers can often directly send scanned documents to a document management system or cloud storage, eliminating the need for manual file transfer and speeding up the digitization process. This feature is particularly useful for businesses aiming for a paperless operation.

Environmentally Friendly Operations

As businesses strive for greener operations, modern copiers have also stepped up. Features such as duplex printing and energy-saving modes can significantly reduce a copier’s environmental impact. Moreover, by facilitating the shift to digital workflows, copiers indirectly help reduce paper usage and waste.


The transition towards paperless offices has redefined the role of copiers. No longer just machines for copying paper documents, modern copiers have evolved into multi-functional devices that support digital transformation. Through their powerful scanning capabilities and integration with digital document management systems, copiers have become indispensable tools in the quest for paperless operations. Far from being rendered obsolete, copiers have proven their adaptability and remain at the heart of the modern, environmentally conscious office.

Color copiers are essential to organizations of all shapes and sizes. Whether you're running a small or enterprise-level business, you need a copier machine that's quick, reliable, and supports the office workflow. Of course, there's a lot to consider before making a purchase. After all, these machines don't come cheap. Plus, the last thing you want is to get stuck with an expensive office copy machine that can't keep up and is costly to maintain. To narrow down your search, we've compiled a list of the best commercial color copiers on the market today. So, read on to find your perfect machine. What to Look For in Color Copying Machine Not all color copiers are created equally. Before purchasing a new copying machine for your business, you have a few things you'll want to consider. Here's your office copier checklist: Print speed Paper capacity Scanning abilities Wireless connectivity Memory The above listed are the essential components of your business's copying and printing needs. The print speed you require will depend entirely on your copying and printing volume. The higher the volume, the higher the speed—pages per minute (PPM)—you'll want. When we talk about paper capacity, we're referring the the "tray capacity." Once again, this is directly related to your copying and printing volume. Your tray capacity will also depend on the size of the paper you choose to use. As for the scanning, wireless connectivity, and memory—all of these things typically come standard with a multi-function copier/printer. The most important factors to look at here are volume and speed. A good machine will have an automatic document feeder or duplexer for high-volume scanning. Additionally, the higher the memory capacity, the quicker the machine will be able to process jobs. Having wireless connectivity also ensures that your employees can print, scan, and copy from any device, contributing to their overall productivity rate. The Best Color Copiers On the Market Here's our round-up of the best color copiers on the market today. We based our decision on which machines had the most features, the best reputation, and the best office accessibility. Toshiba e-STUDIO 8515A Price: $46,880 Features and specs: Printing speed between 55 ppm-86 ppm speed, 4 GB memory, 320 GB hard drive, 1.33 GHz processor, 10.1" Elevate interface, e-BRIDGE NEXT controller, ethernet and wi-fi connectivity The Toshiba e-STUDIO 8515A color copier is the latest in the Toshiba e-STUDIO lineup. This color copier replaced the e-STUDIO 8508A Series and with comes a whole new set of features. It's also wireless, B&W copy capable, and comes with an inner stapler. One of its most notable features includes Elevate, which is a brand new touch-screen interface that works like a tablet. It has an embedded browser and customizable icons for improved workflows. The icons provide a one-touch button for functions such as single copy, copy, and staple, and emailing PDFs, to name a few. The e-STUDIO 8515A has a quick warm-up time of 20 seconds and a copy time that ranges from 4.1 seconds to 5.2 seconds. Roughly, this copier can produce 85 pages per minute. Moreover, it offers a heavy-duty cycle of 720,000 pages per month—without breaking down. The copier is also capable of sending faxes to over 2,000 destinations, printing, and scanning documents. It's equipped with two paper trays to support a capacity of 3,520 sheets, and it boasts a large-capacity tandem tray feeder and a 120-sheet bypass. Pros: It's one of the fastest copiers on the market Has an intelligent and customizable interface It's a multi-function machine Cons: High purchase costs High maintenance costs Not suitable for smaller businesses Overall, this is the perfect color copier for enterprise-level organizations that handle a large volume of paperwork. Of course, due to the price, you would likely have to lease the machine. Sharp MX-5070N A3 Tabloid-size Copier Price: $5,399 Features and specs: Printing speeds up to 50 ppm, 1.9 GHz multi-processor, 5 GB memory, 500 GB hard drive, 1200-3600 sheet capacity, laser technology, walk-up motion sensor, ethernet and wi-fi connectivity The MX-5070N A3 is part of Sharp's Color Advanced series. This machine is a multi-function machine packed with features, and it sports a two-headed document feeder that can scan up to 200 images per minute. The walk-up motion sensor can sense you from just a few feet away, and it has a 10.1" customizable LCD screen. The LCD allows you to 'tap," "flick," and "slide," much like you would on your smartphone. Sharp also includes a retractable keyboard for entering email addresses, and other information as the multi-functionality of this machine allows you to not only copy but send an email, faxes, print, and scan. Warm-time takes up to 15 seconds and first copy time—in color—takes roughly 8.1 seconds. Automatic duplexing comes standard with this machine, and while the paper inputs start with 550 sheets, there are options to upgrade to achieve the maximum capacity of 6,300 sheets. These options will range from $855 to $2,000 in price. There's also a standard single-duplexing document feeder with a 150 sheet capacity and a 250 sheet exit tray. Aside from the standard trays, the color copier also offers finishing accessories such as an inner 50-sheet stapling finisher. Accessories also range in price. Pros: Has an automatic document feeder Fast copying and printing times It's feature-rich and can accommodate all workflows Cons: Standard paper capacity is a bit low Accessories are more like costly upgrades It's one of the more expensive models Overall this multi-functional and feature-rich copier is perfect for small to mid-level organizations. There's even a leasing option, and it's a mobile-friendly machine. HP Enterprise Flow M880z MFP A2W75A With Finisher Price: $8,999 Features: Printing speeds up to 45 ppm, HP ImageREt 4800 resolution technology, automatic paper sensor, 2.5 GB memory, 500 GB hard drive, 4x500 sheet input tray, two-sided single-pass scanning, ethernet and wi-fi connectivity The HP Enterprise Flow M880z is a top of the line, enterprise color copier machine with printing and scanning functions. One of the features we like most on this color copier is the HP EveryPage, which detects potential errors and missed pages before your copies come out. At 45 ppm, it's also an incredibly fast machine. The machine is equipped with an intuitive LCD touch screen and a large pull-out keyboard to allow you to swipe, tap, and type with ease. This color copier also offers double-sided single-pass scanning for speed, and it's mobile-friendly, so your employees can print with ease right from their mobile device. Moreover, you can manage content and workflow with HP's FLow CRM, which gives you options such as file sharing. It's equipped with an automatic document feeder, and several finishing accessories come with this machine, including stapling and stitching. Pros: Has an automatic document feeder Offers two-sided single-pass scanning It's CRM accommodate all kinds of workflows Cons: It's one of the pricier models, so you'll likely need to lease Its standard paper capacity is lower than we'd like Overall, the HP Enterprise Flow M880z offers excellent value for its price. However, we'd like to see a higher standard paper capacity on HP's upcoming models. Canon ImageRunner Advance C5560i III Copier Price: $7,990 Features: Printing speeds up to 60 ppm, 4 GB memory, 250 GB hard drive, Canon Dual Custom Processor, My ADVANCE security features, automatic document feature, ethernet, and wireless connectivity Canon has updated its third generation ImageRunner Advance series, and the C5560i color copier is packed with features. For starters, it has upgraded security features such as Security Information Event Management (SEIM), which integrates customers' information automatically. This allows your IT team to detect any potential threats across the globe. This model, in particular, has quick page speeds at 60 ppm and produces the first-page copy within 4.5 seconds. That makes this copier one of the most efficient on our list. The copy machine's memory and RAM can also be upgraded from 4 GB of memory and 250 GB of hard drive to 1 TB. There's also a 10.1" flat screen control panel that operates with the ease of a smartphone. The flat-screen control panel has a feature called My ADVANCE that allows users to customize certain features, including their personal address book, to streamline their workflow. This machine also supports mobile printing and scanning in addition to producing color copies. Like all of Canon's machines, the C5560i comes with a standard dual 550-paper tray and a 100-sheet bypass. Its standard output is 250 sheets. Automatic duplexing is supported, and larger paper trays are offered for an additional price. There are also several finishing options, including stapling and hole punching. Pros: High paper output speed Advanced security features Automatic duplexing Cons: Not suitable for smaller businesses Overall this is one of our favorite color copiers on the list. The only thing we don't like is that this model, in particular, is aimed at small businesses; however, it's more of a mid-level to enterprise machine. Xerox AltaLink C8070/HXF2 Color Copier Price: $31,000 Features: Print speeds up to 70 ppm, monthly duty cycle of 300,000 pages, 1.91 GHz processor, 8 GB memory, 250 GB hard drive, ethernet, and wi-fi direct connectivity, color touch screen The Xerox AltaLink 8000 color copier series is meant for high-volume workflows. The C870 offers the standard paper handling of two trays of 520 sheets each, as well as a 100-sheet bypass. This machine also boasts a high-capacity tandem module tray that totals up to 2,000 sheets and a single-pass duplexing document feeder with a 130-sheet capacity. If you need to operate at a higher volume, you can opt for a 2,000-sheet capacity feeder and a 60-sheet envelope tray. The maximum paper capacity for this option is 5,140 sheets. In addition to copying, this machine is capable of printing, scanning, and faxing in both color and black and white. It has a 10.1" touch screen and hosts a variety of apps, including AppleAir print, Google Cloud Print, and Mopria, just to name a few. Users will be able to print and scan documents from Microsoft 365, OneDrive, DocuShare, Google Drive, and DropBox, as well as their mobile devices. Lastly, Xerox includes a multitude of security features in all its machines as the company is partners with McAfee. Those features include user authentication, secure print, network authentication, hard drive overwrite, IP address filtering, access controls, and many more. Pros: It has an automatic document feeder It's incredibly fast It's feature-rich with maximum security Cons: Not intended for smaller businesses There are no finishing accessories for the C8070 Overall the Xerox AltaLink C8070 is a high-speed and high-capacity color copier. Unfortunately, it's only intended for high-volume businesses. Xerox VersaLink C7030/TXFM2 Color Multifunction Copier Price: $15,193 Features: Print speed up to 30 ppm, automatic duplexing, 12-second warm-up time, 4 GB memory, 320 GB hard drive, 7" color touch screen display, ethernet and wi-fi connectivity, 1.05 GHz dual-core processor, finishing accessories The Xerox VeraLink C7030 is another enterprise-level color copying machine that boasts a first-page print time of 7 seconds or less. It has a maximum monthly duty cycle of 129,000 pages and only takes up to 12 seconds to completely warm-up. With high-speed ethernet and wi-fi connectivity options, this machine can handle all your copying, printing, scanning, and faxing tasks with ease. It's equipped with a 7" color touch-screen display, and it's compatible with a range of operating systems including Linux, MS Window Server 2003, MS Windows 7, MS Windows 2000 Server, MS Windows 2008 Server, HP-UX 11i v3, Apple Mac OS X 10.10, and many more. This machine has a document feeder capacity of 150 sheets as well as a bypass feeder capacity of 100 sheets. It also comes standard with a stapler finishing accessory and a 520-sheet capacity tray. Pros: Has automatic duplexing Works with virtually all operating systems Comes with a stapler finisher High-volume copying and printing capacity Cons: Not as fast as other copying machines in its price range Not suitable for smaller businesses Only comes standard with one finishing accessories Overall the Xerox VersaLink C7030 is a heavy-duty copier matching that gets the job done for mid-level to enterprise-level businesses. However, we feel it could be much faster if Xerox had upgraded their processor for this series. That's not to say that a 7-second page isn't fast, but compared to the speeds of the other copiers on this list, it falls short. Finding the Right Copier Matters The right color copier will make all the difference in your office space. It should also last a long time and need minimal maintenance because, in today's fast-paced world, you can't afford to put your business on hold. If you're looking for a commercial copier, we can help. Let us know what you need, and we'll provide you with competitive quotes on a selection of high-quality color copiers. We'll also throw in a free buyer's guide.

Energy Efficiency of Copiers: Saving Money and the Environment

As businesses around the globe strive to reduce their carbon footprint and cut operational costs, energy efficiency in office equipment has become increasingly important. An energy-efficient copier not only helps to minimize environmental impact but also leads to significant cost savings in the long run. This section explores the importance of energy efficiency in copiers, how it translates to cost savings and reduced environmental impact, and what features to look for when choosing an energy-efficient copier.

The Importance of Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency refers to the ability of a device to perform its function using the least amount of energy. For copiers, this translates to delivering high-quality prints while consuming minimal electricity. Energy-efficient copiers are beneficial for several reasons:

  • Cost Savings: Reduced energy consumption results in lower electricity bills. While the savings might seem small in the short term, they can accumulate to substantial amounts over the lifespan of the copier.
  • Environmental Impact: Lower energy usage also means fewer carbon emissions, helping to reduce your business’s carbon footprint.
  • Compliance: Many regions have energy-efficiency regulations in place for office equipment. Choosing an energy-efficient copier helps ensure compliance with these regulations.

Energy-Efficient Features to Look for in Copiers

When choosing an energy-efficient copier, look for these key features:

  • Energy Star Certification: This label, provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indicates that the copier meets certain standards of energy efficiency.
  • Sleep Mode: Energy-efficient copiers often have a sleep mode that significantly reduces power consumption when the copier is not in use.
  • Automatic Duplexing: This feature allows printing on both sides of the paper, reducing paper usage and the energy required to produce prints.
  • Ink-Saving Features: Some copiers have features that reduce the amount of ink used, such as draft mode or toner save mode.

In the context of rising energy costs and increasing environmental consciousness, energy efficiency has become a crucial factor in selecting office equipment. An energy-efficient copier not only helps businesses save on electricity costs and reduce their environmental impact but also contributes to regulatory compliance. By understanding the importance of energy efficiency and knowing what features to look for, businesses can make an informed decision when choosing a copier, ensuring they select a machine that delivers both performance and sustainability.

Copier Features to Look For

Understanding TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) for Copiers

When investing in an office copier, the purchase price or lease payments are just the tip of the iceberg. The true cost of owning a copier encompasses a variety of expenses, some of which are ongoing and can accumulate to substantial amounts over the lifespan of the machine. Understanding the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) can help businesses budget more accurately and choose a copier that offers the best value for their needs.

Elements of TCO for Copiers

The TCO for a copier includes several key elements:

  • Purchase or Lease Cost: This is the upfront cost of the copier or the ongoing lease payments. It’s the most apparent expense, but it’s not the only one.
  • Consumables: This category includes the cost of ink or toner, paper, and any other supplies the copier uses. These costs can add up, especially for high-volume printing.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping a copier in good working order. This can include periodic professional servicing as well as any necessary repairs.
  • Energy Costs: The cost of electricity to power the copier is another ongoing expense that contributes to TCO. Energy-efficient models can help minimize this cost.
  • End-of-Life Disposal: Depending on local regulations, there may be costs associated with disposing of or recycling the copier at the end of its life.

When calculating TCO, it’s important to consider all these costs. It may turn out that a copier with a higher purchase price but lower operating costs offers better value in the long run.

Why TCO Matters

Understanding TCO provides a more accurate picture of what a copier will cost over its lifespan, helping businesses make more informed purchasing decisions. A copier with a low purchase price but high operating costs could end up costing more over its lifespan than a more expensive model with lower operating costs.

Furthermore, understanding TCO can help businesses budget more effectively. By anticipating the ongoing costs associated with a copier, businesses can plan ahead and avoid unexpected expenses.


When choosing a copier, it’s essential to look beyond the price tag and consider the Total Cost of Ownership. This includes the cost of consumables, maintenance and repairs, energy usage, and even end-of-life disposal. By understanding these costs, businesses can make more informed decisions, choosing a copier that not only meets their operational needs but also offers the best value over the long term.

Choosing The Right Copier

Copier Features that Improve Workflow: Boosting Office Productivity

In today’s fast-paced office environments, workflow efficiency is crucial. The right office copier can play a significant role in streamlining operations and enhancing productivity. Modern copiers come equipped with a range of features designed to facilitate smoother workflows. Let’s delve into these features and explore how they can benefit your office.


Multifunction printers, also known as all-in-one printers, combine the functions of a copier, scanner, printer, and fax machine. This all-in-one approach eliminates the need for multiple devices, saving space and reducing the time employees spend switching between different machines.

Wireless Connectivity

Wireless copiers allow users to print or scan directly from their mobile devices or laptops without needing to physically connect to the copier. This can significantly speed up the process and allow for more flexibility in where and when tasks are performed.

Document Feeding

Automatic Document Feeders (ADFs) can significantly speed up scanning or copying tasks, especially when dealing with multi-page documents. Instead of having to manually place each page on the scanner, users can load a stack of papers into the feeder, and the machine does the rest.


Automatic duplexing allows for printing or copying on both sides of the paper without manual intervention. This not only saves paper but also time, as users don’t need to manually refeed the paper to print on the second side.

Secure Printing

For offices that handle sensitive information, secure print features can be a game-changer. This feature holds print jobs until the user enters a code or uses an ID card at the machine, ensuring that confidential documents don’t sit in the output tray unattended.

Integration with Cloud Services

Many modern copiers can integrate directly with cloud storage services. This means scanned documents can be automatically uploaded to the cloud, and files stored in the cloud can be easily printed, promoting seamless document management and collaboration.


With the right features, a copier can do more than just replicate documents. It can become a hub of productivity that streamlines workflows, boosts efficiency, and even enhances security. As such, when choosing a copier, it’s essential to look beyond the basic specs and consider how its features align with your office’s workflow and needs. By choosing a copier with features that enhance workflow, you can ensure you’re getting a machine that adds true value to your office operations.

multifunction copiers

Securing the Best Deal for Your Office Copier

When purchasing an office copier, one of your primary concerns is likely to secure the best deal. Understanding the price ranges of various office copy machines and how monthly payments work is key to achieving this. Let’s delve into these aspects, with a focus on digital copiers and multifunction printers, two popular options for today’s businesses.

Understanding Price Ranges

Office copiers vary widely in price, depending on their capabilities, brand, and whether they’re new or used. On the lower end, a simple digital copier can cost around $300, while high-end multifunction printers can cost several thousand dollars. Small businesses or home offices may find that a basic copier or multifunction printer in the $300 to $1,000 price range meets their needs. These machines usually offer essential features like copying, printing, scanning, and sometimes faxing.

Medium to large businesses may need more advanced features like high-speed printing, automatic duplexing, and wireless connectivity. They might also require higher capacities to handle larger volumes of work. Office copiers with these advanced features typically fall into the $1,000 to $5,000 price range.

For the most demanding environments, high-end copiers with the fastest speeds, highest capacities, and most advanced features can range from $5,000 up to $10,000 or more.

Navigating Monthly Payments

For many businesses, purchasing an office copier outright might not be the most feasible option. In these cases, leasing the copier and making monthly payments can be a smart solution.

Leasing can provide access to the latest technology without a significant upfront investment. It often includes maintenance and service contracts, ensuring that the machine stays in top shape without additional costs. When considering a lease, it’s important to understand what’s included in the monthly payment. Typically, it covers the use of the copier, maintenance services, and may also include a certain amount of consumables like toner.


Finding the best deal on an office copier requires understanding the price ranges for the features and capabilities your business needs. You’ll also need to consider whether buying or leasing is the best option, given your budget and operational requirements. By taking the time to explore these aspects, you can ensure that you choose the best office copier or multifunction printer that offers value, performance, and affordability, whether through a one-time purchase or convenient monthly payments.

business copiers

Choosing the Right Office Copier

When it comes to selecting an office copier, one important question arises: Should you opt for a low-end or high-end model? Understanding the primary differences between these categories can help you make an informed decision based on your business’s unique requirements. Let’s explore the key factors to consider, including color printing, paper sizes, duty cycle, and additional features like hole punching.

Color Printing Capabilities

One of the primary differences between low-end and high-end office copiers is their color printing capabilities. Low-end models typically offer basic color printing or may even be limited to black and white printing only. If your business requires vibrant and accurate color prints for marketing materials or presentations, a high-end copier with advanced color printing capabilities will be essential.

Paper Size Compatibility

The ability to handle different paper sizes is another aspect that sets low-end and high-end copiers apart. Low-end models generally accommodate standard paper sizes such as letter or legal. However, if your business regularly deals with larger formats like tabloid or A3, a high-end copier is necessary to meet those specific requirements.

Duty Cycle and Speed

The duty cycle of a copier refers to the maximum number of pages it can handle in a given month. Low-end copiers typically have lower duty cycles, making them suitable for small offices or low-volume printing needs. High-end copiers, on the other hand, are designed to handle large workloads and offer faster print speeds, making them ideal for busy environments with high-volume printing requirements.

best copier

Additional Features

High-end copiers often come equipped with additional features to enhance productivity and convenience. One such feature is hole punching, which allows you to punch holes in printed documents directly from the copier. This can save time and effort compared to manual hole punching. If this feature is important for your business, a high-end copier is likely the better choice.

Making the Right Decision

Ultimately, the primary difference between low-end and high-end office copiers lies in their capabilities, speed, and additional features. Assessing your business’s printing needs, volume requirements, and desired functionalities will help determine which category is the best fit for you. Consider factors like color printing, paper sizes, duty cycle, and any additional features that may be essential for your workflow. Evaluating these aspects will enable you to select an office copier that optimizes efficiency and productivity in your specific business environment.

Choosing between a low-end and high-end office copier depends on understanding your business’s unique requirements and evaluating the primary differences between the two categories. Factors such as color printing capabilities, paper size compatibility, duty cycle, and additional features play a crucial role in making an informed decision. By considering these aspects, you can select an office copier that aligns with your business’s printing needs, enhances productivity, and ensures efficient and reliable performance.